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Middle Ages in Europe

History and era

The succession of time and history makes it noticeable that time consists of several eras, and these eras naturally differ in their nature, characteristics and features, but this does not negate that they remain interconnected and connected, affecting each other, for perhaps its predecessor drew the features of its present, and thus history remains coherent and sequential, some of which lead to Some, and accordingly, scholars of history came and divided it over time into three main sections. 

The historical ages were in ancient, medieval and last ages are modern times. Here the article examines the conditions of the Middle Ages in Europe as a time period with its own characteristics and unique landmarks, a period full of events and fluctuations at the world level, and therefore allocating the talk about these eras alone makes it relatively possible to talk about them.

middle Ages

The idea of ​​the medieval term is a deep one, as it was not the name that people knew at the time in that era, and they only realized that they live the finest and most recent that science and human reason have reached Unintentionally - despite not being sensible at all - he carried that darkness that was in those ages, until this moment, it is not excluded that this period of time - which is witnessing huge technological technological development - does not rule out that it will be new middle ages in comparison with 

the future that perhaps He describes it with the same oppressed term, the Middle Ages in Europe was experiencing a great backwardness, and the state of Europe in it was the subject of the research of this article.

Romans and the Middle Ages

study of the history of the Middle Ages in Europe cannot begin from its moment and its beginning, because those ages were inevitably the result of older factors and further accumulations, and perhaps the most prominent among these factors and circumstances was the state of the Roman state or empire before the Middle Ages, and in this it can be said rather He also asserted that the medieval civilization in Europe was nothing more than a mixture of the Roman civilization on the one hand, and the Berber civilization that infiltrated the Roman lands and harmonized with its people and inhabitants on the other hand.

Of course, the history of the Middle Ages in Europe cannot be placed on the shoulders of the Roman Empire, because it was truly the greatest civilization known to history at its time.  based on building a social, political and administrative pattern characterized by high efficiency and extreme accuracy, because these systems were applied to a vast area of ​​land, and this area naturally had its different peoples, and its different civilizations, and this in itself is an indication of the sophistication of the Roman civilization, and there is no doubt that the division of the Roman Empire  Which led to the emergence of the Pope's authority in the Western Church and the emperor overpowering of the Eastern Church contributed to a large extent in defining the features of medieval history in Europe.

Middle Ages in Europe

Maurice Bishop says in his book A History of Europe in the Middle Ages, which was translated by Ali El-Sayed into Arabic: “The Middle Ages in Europe was a period of continuity and formation for ancient Rome in the human race, in language, in institutions, in law, literature and the arts The English language was formed in the ages It was taken from every source, from Sanskrit to Icelandic, and is a symbol of our multi-faceted culture.

In line with the scholars disagreement about determining the date of the fall of Rome and without giving preference to another opinion, what is important is that the fall of Rome, the capital of the Roman Empire, was the main turning point from antiquity to the Middle Ages The two eras, the ancient and the middle, witnessed a rise in the status of the Church, especially after Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity after abandoning paganism.

Once again, the most important features of the Middle Ages in Europe were represented in the promotion of Christianity and its overpowering and this was reflected in the prosperity of its institutions and the increase in the influence of its men. Therefore, the clergy in the Middle Ages in Europe became a powerful word and absolute domination and thus the schools became nothing more than being Trumpets blown by the church and its men as they wish, where there is no room or place for science and it has no value, and the matter would not have stopped at that, as the matter turned into a fierce war waged by the church against science and scientists, and in the story of the earth’s sphere is the greatest example of that, where science was in one way or another showing  For people, the church lied and its superstitions at that time.

Islam in the Middle Ages

Perhaps it is not a coincidence that the Islamic state, at its peak and glory, experienced the decline of the Middle Ages in Europe, and the true lesson in that can be summed up only by applying reason and unleashing the sciences With its architecture, and this is not without reason and knowledge, and this is what the great Islam did not neglect in its eternal message while in Europe and in those dark ages the church’s Popes worked to exploit religion and employ it to serve their interests.

Europe was condemned in its post-medieval promotion to the Arabs, and perhaps the simplest example that can be mentioned of this haste is the paper industry, and in this, Sigerd Hunke, the German writer says in her book The Sun of the Arabs Shines on the West: “After the invention of paper by an enemy of centuries, Europe became in dire need  to him, due to the large number of documents that were copied so I got to know him first and imported him second It is not wrong that this paper, at that time, added a bright page to the history of the open-minded ever-active Arabs.
