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A story about honesty

A story about honesty

A story about honesty Once upon a time, there was a poor man who could hardly find food for his day called Saleh, and he was in favor of a pious and ascetic wife named Aziza, and they had two young sons who adorned their world, except that Saleh, despite his grandfather and perseverance, was not well off, but he was not lazy 6He never provided an opportunity in which he could work unless he worked, and Saleh was known among the people of the city for his honesty and good manners, and one day Aziza came to complain to her husband that there was nothing in the house that the two hungry children could eat, and she asked him to go out wandering in the city perhaps That God would make him a way out to feed and water them, Saleh shook his head in agreement and said: Well, my dear wife, I will go to pray two rakahs and pray to God with them in the hope that He will provide for me, and I continue my way in search of work and food from it.


Saleh went out to the mosque and the noon call to prayer was ringing throughout, the man performed the noon prayer and remained sitting praying to God to grant him a good halal livelihood, then he went out looking for work, and while walking in the market, Saleh found a bag made of cloth, so he opened it to look what was in it and found it full of money, looking Saleh around him and astonishment filled it, then he closed the bag and ran quickly to his wife calling her: Aziza, dear, leave what is in your hand and come and look at what you brought right now, Aziza came rushing and saw what Saleh carried in his hands of money, so I was amazed and asked him: Where did you get this, Saleh? ! So Saleh told her the story and told her that he would go out to buy some dirhams of what his children would eat. Aziza said firmly: No, by God, we will not take a dirham from him, Saleh, and how do we take money that we do not know from its owner! I forgot that we have not entered this house for a single penny since we got married! We are committed to building this halal subsistence home! Go, my dear husband, and find the owner of the bag, and calculate your reward with God.


Saleh agreed with what his wife said, and he went out sad and confused, and he heard a caller in the market: Whoever found a bag with money in it, O people, who found a bag with money in it, O people? Saleh said: I found it, man, but what is your evidence that it is yours? The man said, and it seemed that he was a merchant: My evidence is that there is a thousand dirhams in it. Salih looked at the merchant and he had counted the money, and said to him: You have spoken the truth, this is your bag that has been returned to you. The merchant smiled and said: Take the bag, honest man, and five times as much. Saleh was stunned and stuck in his place, then asked him: Are you honest in what you say?? The merchant said: Yes, man, a rich man from the Levant gave me ten thousand dirhams and said to me: Put a thousand of them in a bag and throw it on the road, then go back and look for it, and if someone returns it to you, give him the rest of the money, and here you have been given this Money is a reward for your honesty, congratulations. Saleh thanked the man and hurried back to his house, rejoicing at what God had provided him with, and he was proud of that good and faithful wife, while he bought his two children food and drink what was delicious and kept what he had left of the money.

وافق صالح على ما قالته زوجته، وخرج حزيناً حائراً فسمع منادِ ينادي في السوق: أن من وجد كيساً فيه مال يا قوم، من وجد كيساً فيه مال يا قوم؟ قال صالح: أنا وجدته يا رجل، ولكن ما دليلك على أنّه لك؟ فقال الرجل وكان يبدو أنّه تاجراً: دليلي أنّ فيه ألف درهم، نظر صالح إلى التاجر وكان قد أحصى المال، وقال له: لقد صدقت، هذا كيسك قد رُدَّ إليك. ابتسم التاجر وقال: خذ الكيس أيّها الرجل الأمين، ومثله خمسة أضعاف. ذُهل صالح وتسمّر في مكانه، ثم سأله: أأنت صادق فيما تقول؟؟ قال التاجر: نعم يا رجل، لقد منحني رجل ثري من بلاد الشام عشرة الآف درهم وقال لي: ضع ألفاً منها في كيس وألقه في الطريق، ثم عُد وابحث عنها فإن ردّها إليك أحدهم أعط له ما بقي من مال، وها أنت ذا قد رُزقت هذا المال جزاءً لأمانتك فهنيئاً لك. شكر صالح الرجل ورجع إلى بيته مسرعاً فرحاً بما رزقه إيّاه الله، وهو فخور بتلك الزوجة الطيبة الأمينة، فيما اشترى لطفليه من المأكل والمشرب ما لذّ وطاب واحتفظ بما بقي معه من مال.

إقرأ المزيد على موضوع.كوم:


وافق صالح على ما قالته زوجته، وخرج حزيناً حائراً فسمع منادِ ينادي في السوق: أن من وجد كيساً فيه مال يا قوم، من وجد كيساً فيه مال يا قوم؟ قال صالح: أنا وجدته يا رجل، ولكن ما دليلك على أنّه لك؟ فقال الرجل وكان يبدو أنّه تاجراً: دليلي أنّ فيه ألف درهم، نظر صالح إلى التاجر وكان قد أحصى المال، وقال له: لقد صدقت، هذا كيسك قد رُدَّ إليك. ابتسم التاجر وقال: خذ الكيس أيّها الرجل الأمين، ومثله خمسة أضعاف. ذُهل صالح وتسمّر في مكانه، ثم سأله: أأنت صادق فيما تقول؟؟ قال التاجر: نعم يا رجل، لقد منحني رجل ثري من بلاد الشام عشرة الآف درهم وقال لي: ضع ألفاً منها في كيس وألقه في الطريق، ثم عُد وابحث عنها فإن ردّها إليك أحدهم أعط له ما بقي من مال، وها أنت ذا قد رُزقت هذا المال جزاءً لأمانتك فهنيئاً لك. شكر صالح الرجل ورجع إلى بيته مسرعاً فرحاً بما رزقه إيّاه الله، وهو فخور بتلك الزوجة الطيبة الأمينة، فيما اشترى لطفليه من المأكل والمشرب ما لذّ وطاب واحتفظ بما بقي معه من مال.

إقرأ المزيد على موضوع.كوم:


