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honest merchant


honest merchant

He was a great merchant, well-known among the people for his honesty, his good manners, and the soundness of his religion, and one of his trusts was for people to leave their trusts with him, and for each owner of his trust to place his trust himself, in a place where he would be easily guided, and then return whenever he wanted to receive it as it is, one day he would come A man on him wanted to leave a gold ring with him as a trust for a while The honest merchant said to him: Put it in this safe The man put it and closed the safe himself, then he went back.


 After about six months, the man came back to ask for his trust. The honest merchant said to him: You will find it in its place as your hand put it. The man went to the safe and opened it, but he did not find the trust. The man said to the honest merchant: My trust is not present. The honest merchant said to the man: I delegate my affair to God. God sees the servants. Give me time until sunset tomorrow. The merchant was very sad, and asked his wife and children about the ring, but they were not aware of it.


 The honest merchant got up at night to perform the Qiyaam prayer, and raised his hands to the Lord of the heavens and the earth, complaining to him of his misfortune, then he went out to the mosque for the dawn prayer. and took her to his house; In order for his wife to prepare it as food for the family, and while the wife was cleaning the fish, she found a ring inside, she took it and took it to her husband, saying: You put the ring in the belly of the fish and then complain to us about losing it!!! ??


 The honest merchant was very happy with the return of the ring, and he said to his wife: I do not do the same, but it is the will of God Almighty, He does what He wants. The man came to the honest merchant after sunset; To take his ring as promised yesterday, the honest merchant asked him: Is this your ring? He said, "Yes, it is Khatami, and this is his mark." He was next to the honest merchant, a Jewish merchant, observing the events with precision and amazement.


The Jew saw the man taking his ring, so he approached the honest merchant, the man beside him, with his ring in hand, and he said to them: Wait, I stole the ring from its place, and I went to the sea, where the deepest place is, and threw it into the water, so how did the ring come back to you? The honest merchant said: God sent him to me in the heart of a large fish, which I bought from a fisherman. Whoever is covered by God, let no creature reveal his jacket, and whoever fears God He will make a way out for him; So the Jew pronounced the two testimonies, declaring his conversion to Islam.
